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Flexible Payments
Two months for free
Hosted on
10MiB of notes and embeds
Up to 5 team members
public and private teams
obsidian integration via plugin
fine grained access control to teams
Pro Team
Startups and Freelancers
5GiB of notes and embeds
>5 team members
public and private teams
obsidian integration via plugin
fine grained access control to teams
Premium Customizations
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>5GiB of notes and embeds
>50 team members
public and private teams
obsidian integration via plugin
fine grained access control to teams
document and embed versioning
dedicated api endpoint
technical support

You have some questions ?

Why a subscription?

Because lifetime pricing is not sustainable for long-running business that continuously offer their services. The sustainability is crucial especially for communications platforms that are used on a daily basis.

How do i get started?

Once you have an account on, you can create your own team. by default, new teams are public.

What can I use topics for?

Topics are meant to reduce the number of documents team members would otherwise receive. Think of them as #tags, but you can subscribe to them. If you are not subscribed to a team, you will not get documents shared with that team automatically.

The service is too expensive.

We only charge teams for professional use. We believe it would improve your productivity worth more than the price. This service reduces our own pain by more than it costs.

What is the benefit of a private team?

Private teams come with flexible permission system that can be controlled by the owner. As such, the team can be made private so that only invited members can subscribe to topics, or post, modify or read documents of that team.

What happens when i unsubscribe?

No worries, your documents will still be treated confidentially, however, your team will become inactive. You will not be able to take any further action, post, or modify documents until the subscription is continued. You can make your team - and thus your documents - public at any time.